extremism$27035$ - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

extremism$27035$ - tradução para alemão

National Extremism Tactical Coordinating Unit; National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit; NETCU

n. Extremismus, Radikalismus
radical Islam         
  • 2012 Sydney: Muslims protesting against the release of a film
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Radical Islam; Muslim extremism; Islamic extremists; Radical Islamic; Islamic Extremism; Islamist extremists; Islamic extremist; Muslim extremist; Muslim extremists; Radical Muslims; Islamic extremist groups; Extremist Islamic; Extremist Muslims; List of active Islamic extremist groups; List of Islamic extremist groups; Radical strains of Islam; Extremist Islamist groups; List of Islamist extremist groups; Islamist extremism; Islamist extremist
radikaler Islam
far right         
  • [[Alberto Fujimori]], the creator of [[Fujimorism]]
  • SKJ]] meeting
  • Acropolis]] which would be taken down by [[Manolis Glezos]] and [[Apostolos Santas]] in one of the first acts of resistance
  • Far-right flags on display at the 2017 [[Unite the Right rally]] in Charlottesville
  • [[Chetniks]] in Belgrade, 1920
  • National origins of Fascist International Congress participants in 1934
  • Children make the [[Nazi salute]] in [[Presidente Bernardes, São Paulo]], circa 1935.
  • Captain [[Francis de Groot]] declares the [[Sydney Harbour Bridge]] open in March 1932.
  • General [[Andres Larka]] speaking in 1933
  • Sumida]], [[Tokyo]] (2010)
  • [[Ioannis Metaxas]]
  • [[Ku Klux Klan]] parade in Washington, D.C., September 1926
  • Spanish [[Falangist]] volunteer forces of the [[Blue Division]] entrain at [[San Sebastián]], 1942
  • [[CasaPound]] rally in Naples
  • massacres in El Salvador]] that occurred during the civil war
  • [[Benito Mussolini]], dictator and founder of [[Italian Fascism]], a far-right ideology
  • National Radical Camp]] march in [[Kraków]], July 2007
  • Genocide Memorial Center]] in [[Kigali]]
  • Dictator of Chile]] [[Augusto Pinochet]] meeting with [[United States President]] [[George H. W. Bush]] in 1990
  • The 1980 [[Bologna massacre]] by [[Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari]]
  • The [[Peasant March]], a show of force in Helsinki by the [[Lapua Movement]] on 7 July 1930
  • Far-right torch march in Tallinn
  • The [[Russian Fascist Party]] in the first half of the 20th century. The slogan "Let's get our homeland!" is also used by the modern far-right in Russia
Extreme right-wing; Extreme right; Far Right; Right wing extremist; Right-wing extremism; Far-right-wing; Right-extremist; Far right-wing; Far-Right; Extreme-right; Ultra right; Extreme Right; Ultra rightism; Far-right; Revolutionary right; Right extremist; Far-right party; Right extremism; Ultra-right; Far right; Euro-American radical right; Radical conservative; Far right politics; Far-rightism; Right-wing extremists; Right wing extremism; Far-right extremism; Exteme right politics; Ultra right politics; Far-right politics in the United States; Hard-right; Far-Right politics; Right-wing extremist; Far-right extremist; Far-right extremists; Far right extremists; Hard-right politics; Far-right internet forums; European far right; Extreme-right politics; Far-right politics in South Africa; Far-right politics in Hungary; Far-right politics in Italy; Far-right politics in Greece; Far-right politics in Mexico; Far-right politics in Estonia; Far-right politics in Brazil; Far-right politics in Chile; Far-right politics in Peru; Far-right politics in Romania; Far-right politics in Rwanda; Far-right politics in Africa; Italian far-right; European far-right; History of far-right politics by country; Far-right politics in the Netherlands
extrem Rechts


¦ noun chiefly derogatory a person who holds extreme political or religious views.
extremism noun


National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit

The National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit (NETCU) was a British police organisation funded by, and reporting to, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) that coordinated police action against groups in the United Kingdom it described as extremist.